In ZOHO there is room for experiment. There is space for companies, who can experiment and innovate in their field. There are test locations for varying spatial experiments. And there is room for experiment in the development of the area and buildings themselves, both in the process and in the development. In ZOHO we learn from the experiments and we use the lessons for an even better next step.
In ZOHO there is a vibrant and unique climate where residents and users have influence and control. In ZOHO there is involvement, both in public space and in societal initiatives. Users also take responsibility for maintenance and management and are able to co-decide on the design and interpretation of their living and working environment. There is room to develop initiatives yourselves.
ZOHO is a mixed area of medium-sized buildings and green spaces. Its medium grain ensures connection and cooperation, flexible development that can be adjusted over time. It ensures an area with a mix of medium and small buildings, old and new buildings, living spaces and workplaces, low and high incomes, from medium and small businesses. ZOHO is a lively area where everything is possible.
ZOHO is maximum climate-proof. In ZOHO, urban nature and biodiversity play a major role, the green surface is enlarged and rainwater is internally retained, purified and delayed. ZOHO generates its own energy with innovative and smart installations, a district that is planned and built on the principles of circular building. An area where the car is a guest. ZOHO is a resilient neighbourhood in which social, ecological and economic sustainability is developed into one integral whole.
ZOHO connects the city centre with the north of the city. ZOHO connects residents and businesses and ZOHO connects the cultures of Rotterdam. From intellectuals to workers, from Brazilians, Moroccans, Surinamese and other Dutch people. From religious to atheistic, from residents and entrepreneurs. ZOHO does this in a relaxed and non-obligatory way. ZOHO is thus the experimental garden in the socio-cultural field of Rotterdam.